Thomas de ClaxtonMenu



Lexikon für Theologie und KircheX, ed. M. Buchberger, Freiburg, p.140.

A. Wood, The History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford by J. Gutch, Oxford 1792, p. 551.

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H.B. Workman, John Wyclif. A Study of the English Medieval Church, Eugene 1926, p. 360.

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F. Stegmüller, Repertorium Commentariorum in Sententias Petri Lombardi, Würzburg 1947, p. 416 (n° 902).

G. Gal, « Robert Kilwardby’s Questions on the Metaphysics and Physics of Aristotle », in Franciscan Studies 13 (1953), pp. 7-28, esp. 20.

J.A. Robson, Wyclif and the Oxford Schools, Cambridge 1961, p. 131.

T. Kaeppeli, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi, vol.  4, Rome 1970, p. 359 (n° 3782-3783).

W.A. Hinnebusch, The History oft he Dominican Order: The Intellectual and cultural life to 1500, New York 1973, pp. 161, 184.

H.S. Matsen, Alessandro Achillini (1463-1512) and His Doctrine of ‚Universals‘ and ‚ Transcendentals‘. A Study in Rennaissance Ockhamism, London 1974, p. 115.

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D.R Janz, « John Capreolus, O. P. (1380-1444) », in Luther and Late Medieval Thomism: A Study in Theological Anthropology, Waterloo 1983, (n. 30).

W.J. Courtenay, Schools & Scholars in Fourteenth-century England, Princeton 1987, p. 45 (no 54).

F.A. Cunningham, Essence and Existence in Thomism: A Mental vs theReal Distinction?, Lanham 1988, pp. 388-389.

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B.M. Ashley, The Dominicans, Eugene 1990, p. 95.

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The History of the University of Oxford, vol. 2: Late Medieval Oxford, eds. J.I. Catto,  T.H. Aston,  R. Evans, Oxford 1993, pp. 255-256.

S.J. Livesey, Antonius de Carlensis, O.P. Four Questions on the Subalternation of the Science, Philadelphia 1994, pp. xviii, xxxii (no 50).

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Z. Kaluza, « Late Medieval Philosophy: 1350-1500 », in Medieval Philosophy, vol. 3, ed. J. Marenbon,London 1998, pp. 426-451, esp. 427, 444.

C. Fabian, Personennamen des Mittelalters. Nomina Scriptorum Medii Aevi, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München 2000, p. 654.

G.R. Evans, Mediaeval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, vol. 1, Leiden 2002, p. 463.

R. Cessario, A Short History of Thomism, Washington 2003, p. 48.

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R.L. Friedman, « Dominican Quodlibetal Literature ca. 1260-1330 », in Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages. The Fourteenth Century, ed. C. Schabel, Leiden 2007, pp. 401-492, p. 464 (note 192).

E.J. Ashworth, « Metaphor and the Logicians from Aristotle to Cajetan », in Vivarium 45 (2007), pp. 311-327, p. 326.

R. Keele, « Oxford Quodlibeta from Ockham to Holcot », in Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages. The Fourteenth Century, ed. C. Schabel, Leiden 2007, pp. 651-692, p. 689 (note 104).

J. Livesey, « Divine Omnipotence and First Principles: A Late Medieval Argument on the Subalternation oft he Sciences », inThinking Impossibilities: The Intellectual Legacy of Amos Funkenstein, eds. D. Biale, R.S. Westman, Toronto 2008, pp. 13-33, esp. 24, 32 (note 38).

M.B. Parkes, Their Hands Before Our Eyes. A Closer Look at Scribes, Oxford 2008, p. 27.

A.R. Vincelette, Recent Catholic Philosophy: The Nineteenth Century, Milwaukee 2009, p. 303.

A.E. Larsen, The School of Heretics. Academic Condemnation at the University of Oxford, 1277-1409, Leiden 2011, p. 225.

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D. Hobbins, Authorship and Publicity Before Print: Jean Gerson and the Transformation of Late Medieval Learning, Philadelphia 2009, p. 268 (no 51).

Thomas Netter of Walden: Carmelite, Diplomat and Theologian (c.1372-1430), eds. J. Bergström-Allen, R. Copsey, Rome 2009, p. 41.


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